Soft Sealing Gate Valve Product Introduction

publish:2024-07-02 16:41:33   views :107
publish:2024-07-02 16:41:33  

Soft-sealed gate valve, industrial valve, the opening and closing parts of the soft-sealed gate valve are the gates, the movement direction of the gate is perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, the gate valve can only be fully opened and fully closed, and cannot be adjusted and throttled. The gate has two sealing surfaces. The two sealing surfaces of the most commonly used mode gate valve form a wedge shape. The wedge angle varies with the valve parameters. The nominal diameter is DN50~DN1200, and the operating temperature is ≤200℃.

Product Principle

The gate of the wedge gate valve can be made into a whole, called a rigid gate; it can also be made into a gate that can produce a slight deformation to improve its processability and compensate for the deviation of the sealing surface angle during the processing. This gate is called an elastic gate.

Soft-sealed gate valves are divided into two types: rising stem soft-sealed gate valves and dark stem soft-sealed gate valves. Usually there is a trapezoidal thread on the lifting rod. Through the nut in the middle of the gate and the guide groove on the valve body, the rotational motion is converted into linear motion, that is, the operating torque is converted into operating thrust. When the valve is opened, when the gate lift height is equal to 1:1 times the valve diameter, the fluid passage is completely unblocked, but this position cannot be monitored during operation. In actual use, the top of the valve stem is used as a mark, that is, the position where it cannot be opened, as its fully open position. In order to consider the locking phenomenon caused by temperature changes, it is usually opened to the top position and then reversed 1/2-1 turn as the fully open position of the valve. Therefore, the fully open position of the valve is determined by the position of the gate (i.e. the stroke). This type of valve should generally be installed horizontally in the pipeline.

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