Digital balancing valve

publish:2024-09-12 13:52:23   views :68
publish:2024-09-12 13:52:23  

The digital balancing valve is a static hydraulic working condition balancing valve. It has an equal percentage flow characteristic curve and is suitable for centralized quantity regulation, centralized quality regulation and quantity regulation systems that change flow in stages. When the system flow changes, the branches where the valve is installed, the flow of each user will increase or decrease proportionally to maintain the flow distribution plan at the time of initial regulation.

Performance and characteristics

1. Ideal regulation performance;

2. Excellent cut-off function;

3. Opening state display accurate to 1/10 circle;

4. The theoretical flow characteristic curve is an equal percentage characteristic curve;

5. National patented opening and closing locking device;

6. There is a certain flow coefficient corresponding to each full circle. During debugging, as long as the pressure difference at both ends of the valve is measured, the flow through the valve can be easily calculated;

7. Polytetrafluoroethylene and silicone seals, reliable sealing performance;

8. The internal components are made of YICr18Ni9 or copper alloy, with strong corrosion resistance and long service life;

9. Internal lifting valve stem, no need to reserve operating space.

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